Familias de la escuela primaria de Lucerna. Lamentamos informarles que a partir del lunes 15 de abril se cancelará el servicio de autobús. Estamos buscando activamente contratar un nuevo conductor de autobús. Si está interesado en nuestro puesto vacante de conductor de autobús, visite EDjoin.org para presentar su solicitud. Los horarios de salida para los estudiantes son de K a 3.º grado a las 2:30 p. m. y de 4.º a 8.º grado a las 3:00 p. m. Si su estudiante viajaba en autobús, haga arreglos para recoger a su hijo en el horario de salida programado regularmente en la escuela.
6 months ago, Lucernemedia
Bus Service Disruption
Families of Lucerne Elementary School. We regret to inform you that beginning Monday, April 15th, bus service will be cancelled. We are actively seeking to hire a new bus driver. If interested in our open bus driver position, please go to EDjoin.org to apply. Release times for students are K-3rd grades at 2:30pm and 4th-8th grades at 3:00pm. If your student was a bus rider, please make arrangements to pick up your child at their regularly scheduled release times at the school.
6 months ago, Lucernemedia
Friday, March 29th is a minimum day for all students. Release times are as follows; TK-3rd release at 1:00 4th-8th release at 1:30pm El viernes 29 de marzo es un día mínimo para todos los estudiantes. Los tiempos de lanzamiento son los siguientes; TK-3.° lanzamiento a la 1:00 4.° a 8.° lanzamiento a la 1:30 p. m.
7 months ago, Lucernemedia
El miércoles 13 de marzo es un día mínimo para todos los estudiantes. Los tiempos de lanzamiento son los siguientes; TK-3.° lanzamiento a la 1:00 4.° a 8.° lanzamiento a la 1:30 p. m.
7 months ago, Lucernemedia
Wednesday, March 13th is a minimum day for all students. Release times are as follows; TK-3rd release at 1:00 4th-8th release at 1:30pm
7 months ago, Lucernemedia
Lucerne Elementary would like to thank Nancy Haley for her generous donation of supply filled backpacks to the students of our school. Nancy Haley is a retired respiratory therapist and nurse educator with a passion for education. She has a rich history in the field of education as she helped educate the next generation of nurses at the University of Utah. Nancy has continually believed that education has a profound impact on individuals and society. She comes from a long line of educators and gets to see that generational career continue through her two granddaughters that work at Lucerne Elementary School.
8 months ago, Lucernemedia
On Thursday, March 7th, we will hold our 2nd trimester awards assembly. All parents, friends and community members are welcome to attend. The awards schedule is as follows: Tk-1st at 9:50am; 2nd-4th at 10:20am; 5th-8th at 9:10am. El jueves 7 de marzo llevaremos a cabo nuestra asamblea de premios del segundo trimestre. Todos los padres, amigos y miembros de la comunidad son bienvenidos a asistir. El calendario de premios es el siguiente: Tk-1st a las 9:50am; 2º-4º a las 10:20am; Del 5 al 8 a las 9:10am.
8 months ago, Lucernemedia
Dear Lucerne Elementary Families; There will be no bus service Wednesday, March 6th. We apologize for the inconvenience.. Estimadas familias de la escuela primaria Lucerne; No habrá servicio de autobús el miércoles 6 de marzo. Pedimos disculpas por las molestias.
8 months ago, Lucernemedia
Wednesday, February 21st will be a minimum day for all Lucerne Elementary School students. Release times are TK-3rd grades at 1:00pm; 4th-8th grades at 1:30pm. El miércoles 21 de febrero será un día mínimo para todos los estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria Lucerne. Los horarios de salida son para los grados TK-3 a la 1:00p. m.; 4-8 grados a las 1:30p.m.
8 months ago, Lucernemedia
Lucerne Elementary School students will be performing the play "Annie" on March 28th. Attached is a list of items needed for props. If you have any of the items you would like to offer for use, please contact the school office at (707)274-5578. Please do not bring items to the school until arrangements have been made. Thank you! “Annie” Musical Prop Needs List Girl black boots (short) Old blankets (clean) No pattern Old doll (ugly…head detachable) Old stuffed bear Industrial size laundry bin on wheels Small basket with handle or plain canvas tote bag 2-3 brooms Small child dog costume (2nd grader) Fishing net with handle (Dog Catcher) Folded map Metal Full size trash cans (2) Portable street lamp Old dingy desk (Miss Hannigan) Nice desk (Mr. Warbucks) Old Door with handle - Ideally mounted on a door frame 3-4 Twin or double size flat sheets white, muted blue, pale yellow Old fashioned telephone (1940’s type) rotary Fur collared coat (small-medium) Twin bed mattress and metal bed frame 2 double beds with mattress and metal bed frame Fake Christmas Tree (6’+) Ice Cream vendor cart Old fashioned desk chairs (2) Men’s dress shoes size (4-6) Two Old Suitcases
8 months ago, Lucernemedia
Dear Lucerne Elementary Families; School will reopen on Tuesday, February 6th. PG&E has restored power to 85% of our school. If full power is not restored before school starts in the morning the impacted classes will be relocated. The preschool is one of the classes impacted and they will make the determination of whether to open by 6:30 a.m. Bus service was also impacted by the school closure today. Due to this bus service will resume on Wednesday, February 7th.
9 months ago, Megan Grant
Lucerne Elementary School will be closed tomorrow Monday, February 5th because of a power outage. We hope that all of our families are safe during the storm. We plan to reopen on Tuesday, February 6th.
9 months ago, Megan Grant
From February 3, 2024 - May 3, 2024, all Lake County school are having an attendance challenge! • Learning in elementary school is sequential – each day builds on earlier learning. So, each day absent is a missed opportunity for your child to learn something they will need in order to understand more difficult material later. • Students who miss more than 18 days of school are less proficient in reading, writing and math compared to their peers with good attendance. • Students who do not learn the fundamentals of reading, writing and math by third grade are more likely to fall behind and are less likely to graduate high school. • Absences make it very difficult for your child to keep up academically because make up work and take home assignments cannot replace the everyday learning your child loses by being absent from school.
9 months ago, Lucernemedia
¡Estamos emocionados de informar a nuestras familias que hemos contratado un nuevo conductor de autobús! Le agradecemos su paciencia durante este tiempo y estamos felices de ofrecer nuevamente este servicio a nuestros estudiantes a partir del martes 6 de febrero. La Escuela Primaria Lucerne está encantada de darle la bienvenida a Liana a nuestro distrito. ¡Dale la bienvenida a Liana a Lucerna y comunícate para saludarla!
9 months ago, Lucernemedia
We are excited to inform our families that we have hired a new bus driver! We thank you for your patience through this time and are happy to again offer this service to our students starting Tuesday, February 6th. Lucerne Elementary School is thrilled to welcome Liana to our District. Please welcome Liana to Lucerne and reach out to say Hello!
9 months ago, Lucernemedia
On Monday, January 29th, Lucerne Elementary School is celebrating our 100th day of school! Let's have some fun and show school spirit by dressing up as if you were 100 years old.
9 months ago, Lucernemedia
Wednesday, January 24th will be a minimum day for all Lucerne Elementary School students. Release times are TK-3rd grades at 1:00pm; 4th-8th grades at 1:30pm. El miércoles 24 de enero será un día mínimo para todos los estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria Lucerne. Los horarios de salida son para los grados TK-3 a la 1:00 p. m.; 4º a 8º de primaria a las 1:30 p.m.
9 months ago, Lucernemedia
Monday, January 15th will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr., holiday. School will resume on Tuesday, January 16th. Have a safe and fun holiday!
9 months ago, Lucernemedia
Dear Lucerne Elementary School Families, We regret to inform all of you that we have not been able to fill our bus driver position at this time. This means we will not be able to provide school bus services after winter break. We realize that this is an incredible inconvenience for many families who depend on this service. We are continuing to search for qualified applicants to fill this position as soon as possible. We will provide updates on when these services will return.
10 months ago, Megan Grant
Friday, December 15th is a minimum day for all students. There will be no school during Winter break, Monday, December 18th through Friday, January. 5th. School will resume Monday, January 8th. The minimum day schedule is as follows; TK – 3rd grade released at 1:00p.m. 4th – 8th grade released at 1:30p.m.
10 months ago, Lucernemedia
minimum day